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- {Micromuf - A program to computer the minimum and maximum usable frequencies
- of a shortwave path between two specified coordinates. }
- CONST PI = 3.14159265;
- I = 'INVALID';
- VAR a,n,yt,xt,yr,xr,r,x,h,y,u,q,la,ls,hp,sf,fe,se,re,cp,k,l,xz,mf,ff :REAL;
- xh,z,fo,yf,ty,tl,yg,zo,yz,yn,yi,xn,sx,xs,wx,lh,lm,ab,rd,d,ex,man :REAL;
- transmitter,receiver : string[20];
- m,mh,ve,ho,t :integer;
- correct :boolean;
- key : char;
- Function power(man,ex:real):real;
- Begin
- power:=EXP(ex*LN(man));
- End;
- Procedure interlat; { Intermediate Latitude & Longitude calculations }
- Begin
- q:=cos(u*rd)*cos(xt*rd)*sin(k*lm*rd);
- x:=q+sin(xt*rd)*cos(k*lm*rd);
- xn:=(arctan(x/sqrt(-x*x+1+1E-12)))*d;
- q:=(cos(k*lm*rd)-sin(xt*rd)*sin(xn*rd));
- yi:=(-arctan(x/sqrt(-x*x+1+1E-12))+(PI/2))*d;
- if u < 180.0 then yi:=-yi;
- yn:=yt+yi;
- if yn > 180.0 then yn:=yn-360.0;
- if yn <-180.0 then yn:=yn+360.0;
- End;
- Procedure mini_f2;
- Begin
- yz:=yn;
- If yn<-160.0 then yz:=yn+360.0;
- yg:=(20.0-yz)/50.0;
- zo:=20.0*yg/(1+yg+sqr(yg))+5.0*sqr(1-yg/7.0);
- z:=xn-zo;
- tl:=t-yn/15.0;
- if tl > 24.0 then tl:=tl-24.0;
- if tl < 0.0 then tl:=tl+24.0;
- mh:=m;
- If z <= 0.0 then
- Begin
- z:=-z;
- mh:=mh+6;
- End;
- xh:=cos(30.0*(mh-6.5)*rd); { 1 week delay on equinoxes }
- sx:=(abs(xh)+xh)/2.0; { F-layer local summer variance}
- wx:=(abs(xh)-xh)/2.0; { F-layer local winter variance}
- If z > 77.5 then z:= 77.5;
- ty:=tl;
- If ty < 5.0 then ty:=tl+24.0;
- yf:=(ty-14.0-sx*2.0+wx*2.0-r/175.0)*(7.0-sx*3.0+wx*4.0-r/(150.0-wx*75.0));
- If abs(yf) > 60.0 then yf:=60.0;
- x:=(1+r/(175.0+sx*175.0));
- fo:=6.5*x*cos(yf*rd)*sqrt(cos((z-sx*5.0+wx*5.0)*rd));
- ex:=-0.5;
- sf:=power((1.0-sqr(cos(a*rd)*6367.0/(6367.0+h))),ex);
- ff:=fo*sf;
- End;
- Procedure e_layer;
- Begin
- q:=sin(xn*rd)*sin(xs*rd);
- x:=q+cos(xn*rd)*cos(xs*rd)*cos((yn-15.0*(t-12.0))*rd);
- xz:=(-arctan(x/sqrt(-x*x+1+1E-12))+PI/2)*d;
- If xz <= 85.0 then
- Begin
- ex:=(1.0/3.0);
- fe:=3.4*(1.0+0.0016*r)*power(cos(xz*rd),ex);
- End
- Else
- Begin
- ex:=-0.5;
- fe:=3.4*(1.0+0.0016*r)*power((xz-80.0),ex);
- End;
- se:=power(1.0-0.965*sqr(cos(a*rd)),ex);
- ls:=0.028*sqr(fe)*se;
- End;
- Begin { Main Program }
- rd:=PI/180;
- d:=180/PI;
- correct:=FALSE;
- ClrScr;
- Writeln (' *** MICROMUF *** ');
- Writeln;
- Writeln (' This program calculate the :');
- Writeln (' * M. U. F. (Maximum Usable Frequency)');
- Writeln;
- Writeln (' * L. U. F. (Lowest Usable Frequency)');
- Writeln;
- Writeln (' of any shortwave sky-wave path.');
- Writeln;
- Writeln (' Calculations can be done for any month and sunspot number.');
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln ('Name transmitter location');
- Readln (transmitter);
- Writeln;
- Repeat;
- Writeln ('Transmitter longitude in degrees. (W=+, E=-)');
- Readln (yt);
- If (yt >=-180.0) and (yt <= 180.0) Then correct:=TRUE
- Else Writeln(I);
- Until correct = TRUE;
- correct:=FALSE;
- Writeln;
- Repeat;
- Writeln ('Transmitter lattitude in degrees. (N=+, S=-)');
- Readln(xt);
- If (xt >= -90.0) and (xt <= 90.0) Then correct:=TRUE
- Else Writeln(I);
- Until correct = TRUE;
- correct:=FALSE;
- Writeln;
- Writeln ('Name receiver location.');
- Readln(receiver);
- Writeln;
- Repeat;
- Writeln ('Receiver longitude in degrees. (W=+, E=-)');
- Readln(yr);
- If (yr >= -180.0) and (yr <=180.0) Then correct:=TRUE
- Else Writeln(I);
- Until correct = TRUE;
- correct:=FALSE;
- Writeln;
- Repeat;
- Writeln ('Receiver lattitude in degrees. (N=+, S=-)');
- readln(xr);
- If (xr >=-90.0) and (xr<=90.0) Then correct:=TRUE
- Else Writeln(I);
- Until correct = TRUE;
- correct:=FALSE;
- Writeln;
- Repeat;
- Writeln ('Sunspot number.');
- Readln (r);
- If (r >= 1.0) and (r <=180.0) Then correct:=TRUE
- Else Writeln(I);
- Until correct = TRUE;
- correct:=FALSE;
- Writeln;
- Repeat;
- Writeln ('Month.');
- Readln (m);
- If (m >= 1) and (m <= 12) Then correct:=TRUE
- Else Writeln(I);
- Until correct = TRUE;
- { Geometry Calculations }
- q:=sin(xt*rd)*sin(xr*rd);
- x:=q+cos(xt*rd)*cos(xr*rd)*cos(yt*rd-yr*rd);
- la:=(-arctan(x/sqrt(-x*x+1+1E-12))+(PI/2))*d;
- l:=111.1*la;
- q:=(sin(xr*rd)-sin(xt*rd)*cos(la*rd));
- x:=q/cos(xt*rd)/sin(la*rd);
- u:=(-arctan(x/sqrt(-x*x+1+1E-12))+(PI/2))*d;
- If yt-yr <= 0 Then u:=360-u;
- h:=275+r/2;
- xs:=23.4*cos(30*(m-6.25)*rd);
- n:=n+1;
- lh:=l/n;
- While lh > 4500.0 Do
- Begin
- n:=n+1;
- lh:=l/n;
- End; { While }
- lm:=la/n;
- a:=(arctan((cos(0.5*lm*rd)-6367.0/(h+6367.0))/sin(0.5*lm*rd)))*d;
- While a < 1.5 Do
- Begin
- n:=n+1;
- lh:=lh/n;
- While lh > 4500.0 Do
- Begin
- n:=n+1;
- lh:=l/n;
- End; { While }
- lm:=la/n;
- a:=(arctan((cos(0.5*lm*rd)-6367.0/(h+6367.0))/sin(0.5*lm*rd)))*d;
- End;
- { Plot chart on screen }
- ClrScr;
- Writeln ('From: ',transmitter,' to: ',receiver);
- Write ('Month: ',m);
- Writeln (' SSN: ',r:3:0,' Dist: ',Round(l+0.5),' KM');
- Writeln ('Azim: ',Round(u+0.5),' degrees. F-hops: ',n:4:2);
- ve:=4;
- ho:=1;
- GotoXY(ho,ve);
- q:=34.0;
- While q >=2.0 Do
- Begin
- Writeln ('I I',q:2:0); { 25 spaces }
- q:=q-2.0;
- End; { While }
- Writeln ('---------------------------'); { 27 dashes }
- Writeln (' 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 18 22 H (UTC)');
- Writeln (' +: MUF -: LUF');
- ve:=4;
- ho:=32;
- GotoXY(ho,ve);
- Writeln ('mHz');
- For t:=1 to 24 Do
- Begin
- ab:=0.0;
- k:=0.5;
- interlat;
- mini_f2;
- mf:=ff;
- k:=n-0.5;
- interlat;
- mini_f2;
- If ff < mf then mf := ff;
- ve:=21-Round(mf/2.0+0.5);
- ho:=t+1;
- if ve < 4 then ve:=4;
- GotoXY(ho,ve);
- Writeln ('+');
- While k <= n-0.25 Do
- Begin
- interlat;
- e_layer;
- ab:=ab+ls;
- k:=k+0.5;
- End;
- ve:=20-Round(ab+0.5);
- If ve < 4 Then ve:=4;
- If ve > 20 Then ve:=20;
- GotoXY(ho,ve);
- Writeln('-');
- End;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Write (' ----- Press a key to continue ----- ');
- Readln (key);
- End.
- { This program uses 'MINI-F2' devised by R. Fricker (BBC external
- services) for FO-F calculations and L.M. Muggleton's formula for
- FO-E calculations.
- For the L.U.F. a minimum useable fieldstrength of 30 DBUV at the
- receiver and 250 KW of transmitter power (aerial gain: 18 DBI) are
- assumed. The L.U.F. is derived from absorption calculations based
- on the work of Piggot, George, Samuel, and Bradley. In spite of the
- program's simplicity it gives a good impression of the ionosphere's
- behaviour and can be used for propagation predictions.
- Hans Bakhuizen
- Propagation Unit; Frequency Bureau
- Radio Netherlands
- P.O. Box 222
- 1200 JG Hilversum Holland
- (C) Copyright Media Network June 1984
- Translation from Basic into TURBO Pascal by Jonathan D Ogden on
- September 26, 1986.
- Jonathan D Ogden
- 402 e Daniel
- Champaign, Il 61820 USA
- }